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Privacy policy

COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A., in application of the regulation in force in matters of personal data protection, informs that that the personal data collected through the forms of the website:, are included in the specific computerised files of users of the services of COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A.

The purpose of the collection and computerised treatment of personal data is to maintain the commercial relationship and the undertaking of tasks of information, training, assessment and other activities of COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A.

This data will only be transferred to those entities necessary with the sole objective of complying with the abovementioned purpose. COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A. adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with that stipulated in in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of the 27th April 2016, relating to protection of individuals regarding the treatment of personal data and the free circulation of it. The user will be able at any time to exercise their rights of access, opposition, rectification and cancellation, recognised in the abovementioned Regulation (EU). The exercising of these rights can be done by the user through by email to: or at the address: C/Viladomat 135 5º, C.P. 08015 – Barcelona (Barcelona). The user states that all the data provided by them is true and correct, and promises to keep them updated, communicating the changes to COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A.

Purpose of the treatment of personal data:

At COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A., we treat all your data compiled through the website:, for the following purposes:

  1. In the case of contracting of goods and services offered through, to maintain the contractual arrangement, as well as the management, administration, information, provision and improvement of the service.
  2. Sending of information requested through the forms available in
  3. Issue newsletters, as well as commercial communications of promotions and/or publicity of and of the sector.

We remind you that you can oppose the sending of commercial communications by any method and at any time, by sending an email to the address shown above. The fields of these registers are of obligatory completion, being impossible to undertake the purposes expressed if this data is not supplied.

The personal data provided will be saved while the commercial relationship is maintained or you do not request its suppression and during the period for which legal responsibilities for the services rendered may arise.


The treatment of your data is done through the following legal rules that legitimise it:

  1. The application for information and/or the contraction of services of COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A., whose terms and conditions will be at your disposition in any case, and prior to an eventual contraction.

The free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, inasmuch as we inform you, placing at your disposition this privacy policy, which after reading it, if in agreement, you can accept by means of a declaration or a clear affirmative action, such as marking a box supplied for this purpose.

In the case that you do not provide us with your data or you do so erroneously or incompletely, we cannot attend to your request, making it impossible to provide you with the information requested or undertake the contraction of the services.

Retention of data in compliance with the LSSI

COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A. informs that, as a provider of service of accommodation of data and by virtue of that stipulated in Law 34/2002 of the 11th July of Services of the Information and E-commerce Society (LSSI), it retains for a maximum period of 12 months the essential information in order to identify the origin of the data housed and at the time when the provision of the service begins. The retention of this data does not affect the secret of communications and can only be used in the setting of a criminal investigation or for safeguarding public security, making it available to the judges and/or courts or the Ministry that requires it. Communication of data to the State Security Forces is done by virtue of that stipulated in the regulation about protection of personal data.

Intellectual property rights

COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A. is the holder of all copyright, intellectual and industrial property, know-how and whatever other rights are connected to the contents of the website and the services offered in them, as well as the programmes necessary for their implementation and the related information.

The total or partial reproduction, publication and/or not strictly private use of the contents of the website is not permitted without the prior written authorisation.

Intellectual property of the software

The user must respect the programmes of third parties made available by COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A., even though free and/or at the disposition of the public.

COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A. possesses the necessary rights of use and intellectual property of the software.

The user does not acquire any right or license for the service contracted, over the software necessary for the provision of the service, nor for the technical information of monitoring the service, with the exception made for the rights and licenses necessary for the fulfilment of the services contracted and only during their duration.

For all undertakings that exceed the completion of the contract, the user will need the written authorisation of COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A., the use being prohibited to accede, visualise the configuration, structure and files of the servers owned by COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A., assuming civil and penal liability arising from any incident that may occur in the servers and security systems as a direct consequence of a negligent or malicious action by them.

Intellectual property of the web contents

Use is prohibited that goes against the legislation regarding intellectual property of the services provided by COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A. and, specifically of:

The use that goes against Spanish law or which infringes the rights of third parties.
The publication or transmission of any contents that, in the opinion of COLUMNA BRAND STRATEGY & COLORS, S.A., is violent, obscene, abusive, illegal, racist, xenophobic or defamatory.
The cracks, series numbers or any other content that breaches the intellectual property rights of third parties.
The collection and/or use of the personal data of other users without their express consent or contravening that stipulated in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of the 27th April 2016, relating to protection of individuals in regard to the treatment of personal data and to its free circulation.
The use of the mail server of the domain and of the email addresses for sending undesired SPAM.